Financing wastewater treatment systems is a challenge. The days of "free-money" for these projects is long gone. The reality is that communities are now using low interest government loans and self financing options to pay construction costs. This page contains resources to help communities prepare funding requests, and gives contacts for agencies that are available to help communities with the process and those that are the source of these funds.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
An introduction to what the Project Priority List (PPL) and how to request placement on the PPL, to Facility Planning requirements and submittal, to becoming eligible to request that the Public Facilities Authority (PFA) place a project on the Intended Use Plan (IUP). The site also provides information about the types of loans that can be requested (planning, design, construction), and briefly discusses the MPCA's role in approving projects submitted for funding by the Public Facilities Authority.
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED)
DEED invites community leaders to tap into financial and technical resources available to spur business growth while addressing important revitalization issues. Qualifying communities can be assisted with many redevelopment projects and activities including housing and commercial rehabilitation, construction and upgrading of wastewater treatment facilities and drinking water systems, and cleanup of contaminated sites.
Public Facilities Authority (PFA)
PFA provides below-market financing to local governments to upgrade and construct wastewater treatment and collection facilities. The program is administered in conjunction with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). The Fund also provides monies to the MPCA, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Employment and Economic Development for loan programs to address non-point source pollution. Visit the web site for details, forms, more information.
Rural Utilities Service (RUS), US Dept. of Agriculture Rural Development
RUS Water and Environmental Programs (WEP) provides loans, grants and loan guarantees for drinking water, sanitary sewer, solid waste and storm drainage facilities in rural areas and cities and towns of 10,000 or less. Public bodies, nonprofit organizations and recognized Indian tribes may qualify for assistance. WEP also makes grants to nonprofit organizations to provide technical assistance and training to assist rural communities with their water, wastewater and solid waste problems.