Daniel Wheeler

Headshot of Dan Wheeler.
OSTP Manager
173 McNeal Hall

1985 Buford Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55108
United States

Contact me for help with:
  • Soils
  • SSTS (septic systems)
  • Wetlands


Dan Wheeler is a Research Fellow/Instructor in the Dept. of Soil, Water and Climate and the Water Resources Center. His research interests focus on interpreting landscape-scale hydrology and soil morphology to assess environmental issues such as water quality, wetlands and soil erosion. He teaches several Soil Science courses on the U of M campus and is also involved in several outreach activities including conducting soils training workshops for the Onsite Sewage Treatment Program and Wetland Delineation Certification Program. Dan has a M. S. degree in Soil Science with a Water Resources Science Minor and a B. S. in Environmental Science from the University of Minnesota.